CSS outline-style Property

CSS Reference Complete CSS Reference


Set the style of an outline:


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More examples at the bottom of this page.

Definition and Usage

An outline is a line that is drawn around elements (outside the borders) to make the element "stand out".

The outline-style property specifies the style of an outline.

Default value: none
Inherited: no
Version: CSS2
JavaScript syntax: object.style.outlineStyle="dotted"

Browser Support

Internet Explorer Firefox Opera Google Chrome Safari

The outline-style property is supported in all major browsers.

Note: Internet Explorer 8 (and higher) supports the outline-style property if a !DOCTYPE is specified.

Property Values

Value Description
none Specifies no outline
dotted Specifies a dotted outline
dashed Specifies a dashed outline
solid Specifies a solid outline
double Specifies a double outliner
groove Specifies a 3D grooved outline. The effect depends on the outline-color value
ridge Specifies a 3D ridged outline. The effect depends on the outline-color value
inset Specifies a 3D inset outline. The effect depends on the outline-color value
outset Specifies a 3D outset outline. The effect depends on the outline-color value
inherit Specifies that the outline style should be inherited from the parent element


Try it Yourself - Examples

Set the style of an outline
This example demonstrates how to set the style of an outline.

Related Pages

CSS tutorial: CSS Outline

CSS reference: outline property

HTML DOM reference: outlineStyle property

CSS Reference Complete CSS Reference