JavaScript Form Validation
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JavaScript Form Validation
JavaScript can be used to validate data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a server.
Form data that typically are checked by a JavaScript could be:
- has the user left required fields empty?
- has the user entered a valid e-mail address?
- has the user entered a valid date?
- has the user entered text in a numeric field?
Required Fields
The function below checks if a field has been left empty. If the field is blank, an alert box alerts a message, the function returns false, and the form will not be submitted:
function validateForm() { var x=document.forms["myForm"]["fname"].value if (x==null || x=="") { alert("First name must be filled out"); return false; } } |
The function above could be called when a form is submitted:
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E-mail Validation
The function below checks if the content has the general syntax of an email.
This means that the input data must contain an @ sign and at least one dot (.). Also, the @ must not be the first character of the email address, and the last dot must be present after the @ sign, and minimum 2 characters before the end:
function validateForm() { var x=document.forms["myForm"]["email"].value var atpos=x.indexOf("@"); var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf("."); if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length) { alert("Not a valid e-mail address"); return false; } } |
The function above could be called when a form is submitted:
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